Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the program and organizing committee, we would like to invite you to the 6th International Student Conference YTEC 2024, which will be held on 28.11.2024. The conference is focused on the presentation of scientific and research work of PhD students and young scientists not only from Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences. The main objectives of the conference are to present the results of scientific and research activities of PhD students, to raise awareness of ongoing or upcoming research projects within the Faculty of Transportation Sciences and to provide an opportunity to gain experience in presenting in front of a professionally educated audience for new PhD students. The conference is thus an opportunity to establish new or increase existing personal and professional contacts and a meeting place for doctoral students, practitioners and faculty staff.

Moreover, in addition to student presentations, the programme will also include selected presentations by some members of the scientific committee or guests of the conference. The conference is under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, prof. Ing. Ondřej Přibyl, Ph.D.

Ing. Petr Richter
Chairman of the Programme Committee

and topics

Conference language

Important dates

The conference is focused on transport as a general topic, but contributions from other technical disciplines are also welcome. 

All papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The Scientific Committee of the Conference will select papers for oral presentation. Other papers will be included in the poster session.

Information for Authors »

The conference language is English. Papers will be accepted in English only. In the case of an oral presentation, the paper will be presented in the language of the paper.

20. 9. 2024 - Deadline for registration and submission of papers
25. 10. 2024 - Review process concluded
28.11.2024 - Conference Day